The company Forever Living Products has been working successfully in NETWORK MARKETING for 45 years !
In no other business you will meet people from such a diverse range of professions and backgrounds -
housewives, doctors, lawyers, skilled tradespeople, people in business, students and many more.
Over 90% of these people began the work with Forever in free time, like a second job, becoming full-time later on. The number of full-timers is continually growing.
Entrepreneurs, competitive athletes, people with ambitions - all find promising opportunities for a very attractive income.
Chances for further training and for surpassing your own potential are firmly anchored in the Forever network.
We stand firm on a foundation on which we shall build high!
To achieve this goal, the FOREVER organization provides us with:
The ALOE VERA plant:
proven beyond a doubt
famous for over 5000 years
natural nutriment
the best Network product of all
through our own cultivation, processing and distribution = top quality
through 46 years of steady growth
through 46 years of guaranteed bonus payments
through our huge clientele including people and animals alike
new groundbreaking products yearly
latest marketing tools
best training methods and support
The Team One group gives you in return:
A large family, joined by new members daily!
A team to accompany and support you on the road to success!
We are ringing in the future!
Aloe Vera is synonymous with FOREVER.
FOREVER is a brand like Tempo, Coca-Cola or Persil.
FOREVER products will be in every household and will be part of the staple diet product of the future.
Through Network Marketing - the most innovative sales and distribution concept, and by using the most
sophisticated communications media, we can work from home - anywhere in the world. We are thus able
to create our own markets independently of economic fluctuations. We are global players in the health
and beauty industry, earning way above the average in general, and setting new standards at top income levels.
The ingenious pension system of the future is finding ever more adherents. This means that if there is a
safe, growth-based future in the global business world, then it is to be found here, as a Forever distributor!